Bio-One of South Sound decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Bio-One Colorado Team Attends Colorado Police Chief Conference

At Bio-One, we love supporting law enforcement. We continually thank them for serving our community and keeping us safe. We also work very directly with law enforcement and continue to build relationships all the time. The connections we build lead us to be successful and touch as many lives as we can. 

Our Bio-One Colorado offices attended the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police this summer. These offices include: 

Bio-One Denver
Bio-One Fort Colins
Bio-One Colorado Springs
Bio-One Western Slope

Here is a prime example of what working together can do. While you might think offices in the same state are in competition, I encourage you to look at these types of situations as opportunities. The Bio-One Colorado offices not only attend events together, but they use each other as resources to help build each other up. That's how we do it at Bio-One.

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!