Bio-One of South Sound decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Hiring Professionals for Rodent Droppings Cleanup

If you see a rodent running across your floor during the day, you’ll likely scream. But even after you’ve shooed it from your home, you may find yourself in a more frightening situation. Because rats and mice are nocturnal animals, an appearance during daylight hours suggests that you have a severe rodent infestation on your hands. At this stage in the process, the rodent population has outgrown the dark crevices of your home and widened into your living space. This presents multiple problems for homeowners, including property damage, health risks and increased sightings.

Fortunately, there are many warning signs before an infestation develops, the most obvious among them being the presence of rodent droppings in your home. Though seemingly trifling, discovering waste demands immediate action. Diseases caused by feces, urine and saliva are often transmitted through the air, which may affect your lungs, food and water sources. The solution for protecting against these noxious fumes involves cleanup measures that target animal waste and their nests. Such actions will deprive rodents of their food sources and limit their ability to breed, precluding an infestation before it’s too late.

But, depending on the severity of the issue, you may not want to attempt this process on your own. Special equipment—like respirators—are required to safely disinfect areas sullied by rodent droppings because they protect the user against airborne pathogens. Moreover, viruses remain on surfaces that haven’t been properly disinfected, posing serious health risks to homeowners, pets and children if they are left unattended. Although a recently mopped floor looks clean, it may still be contaminated by dangerous viruses. The technicians at Bio-One thoroughly and effectively disinfect areas tarnished by rats, mice, pigeons, cockroaches, bats and other pests. Contact us if you find any of the following signs of contamination:

Feces—Rodent feces are distinct for their pointed ends. They are roughly half an inch in length, pill-shaped and dark colored, resembling brown or black grains of rice. While droppings can be found anywhere in the home, they are highly concentrated in areas where the pests are feeding and breeding—which tend to be in dark and secluded spaces of the home. These areas accumulate the most waste as time wears on, making them increasingly likely to spread airborne diseases like hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Even if you don’t see any droppings, you will likely smell them well before a severe infestation develops.

Urine—Urine stains can be difficult to spot. But the lingering odor they generate is unmistakable. A dense, musky smell will permeate the home, growing stronger and more pungent as the rodents reproduce. You’re unlikely to remove it as long as rodents continue to live inside your home. Unfortunately, the odor becomes increasingly difficult to eliminate the longer the stains sit unattended, making it challenging to ventilate your home well after the rodents have been removed. Proteins in the urine attract other rodents and encourage longevity. To prevent this situation from happening, it’s best to act quickly. 

Grease Marks—Rodents carry oils in their fur that rub off on the surfaces they touch. Because of their poor vision, rats and mice will often travel along baseboards and walls, leaving behind unsightly grease marks and dark smudges. These trails may reveal where they are congregating.

Please contact Bio-One if you have any questions about animal waste removal. We’re ready and available to restore the comfort and purity of your home.