Bio-One of South Sound decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Winter Safety Tips

Winter is in full force and if you live in a cold state, you may have already seen a few blizzards this year. Don't let the weather get the best of you - here are some winter safety tips. 

Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

If it seems like a good idea to start your car in the garage to warm it up, don't! It's best to open the garage and take the car out to let it warm up.

Mittens Vs. Gloves

The dexterity of gloves are handy, but mittens generate more heat from your fingers touching each other. 


Keep kitty litter and rock salt in the trunk of your car to give your wheels traction in a pinch!

Canned Food

Keep some non perishables in your pantry in case the electricity goes out or a winter storm hits!


If you're worried about running into a patch of black ice on a cold day, shuffle your feet instead of taking long strides. Falling can sprain wrists and bruise your bum and ego.

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!